27 Jan

Moira and Tom

Continuing our stroll down the Royal Mile

10 Feb

AGM & speaker Mr Ian Wallace

6:45pm Illustrated talk from the former consultant on Scottish Medicine

24 Feb

Michael White & Les

from Screen memories Scotland

9 March

Janette Hannah

Spinning and dyeing methods used in 18th Century Scotland

Sat 14 March

Allan Stuart Big, Big Variety Show

2:30pm The Kings Edinburgh

23 March

Marion Phillips

from the Bennie Museum, Bathgate

06 Apr


speaker to be confirmed

20 Apr

John Rankine and the Choir Choral Highlights


5 May

Members and Friends away day

Bus will leave from the former Library at 9:30am and pick up at usual points.

We resume again on Monday 14 September for the second part of the 2020 Session.