1. Trust and obey

    1. When we walk with the Lord
      in the light of His word,
      what a glory He sheds on our way!
      While we do His good will,
      He abides with us still,
      and with all who will trust and obey.

      Trust and obey.
      for there’s no other way
      to be happy in Jesus,
      but to trust and obey.

    2. Not a burden we bear,
      not a sorrow we share,
      but our toil He doth richly repay;
      not a grief nor a loss,
      not a frown nor a cross,
      but is blest if we trust and obey.

      Trust and obey.
      for there’s no other way
      to be happy in Jesus,
      but to trust and obey.

    3. But we never can prove
      the delights of His love,
      until all on the altar we lay;
      for the favour He shows,
      and the joy He bestows
      are for them who will trust and obey.

      Trust and obey.
      for there’s no other way
      to be happy in Jesus,
      but to trust and obey.

    4. Then in fellowship sweet,
      we will sit at His feet,
      or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
      What He says we will do,
      where He sends we will go,
      never fear, only trust and obey.

      Trust and obey.
      for there’s no other way
      to be happy in Jesus,
      but to trust and obey.

  2. I know whom I have believed

    1. I know not why God’s wondrous grace
      to me has been made known;
      nor why - unworthy as I am –
      He claimed me for His own.

      But, ‘I know whom I have believed;
      and am persuaded that He is able
      to keep that which I’ve committed
      unto Him against that day.’

    2. I know not how this saving faith
      to me He did impart;
      or how believing in His word
      wrought peace upon my heart.

      But, ‘I know whom I have believed;
      and am persuaded that He is able
      to keep that which I’ve committed
      unto Him against that day.’

    3. I know not what of good or ill
      may be reserved for me -
      of weary ways or golden days
      before His face I see.

      But, ‘I know whom I have believed;
      and am persuaded that He is able
      to keep that which I’ve committed
      unto Him against that day.’