1. Welcome and Intimations

  2. Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power, and the glory
    for ever and ever.

  3. Jesus Calls Us Here to Meet Him

    † [tune: Lewis Air]

    1. Jesus calls us here to meet him
      as, through word and song and prayer,
      we affirm God’s promised presence
      where his people live and care.
      Praise the God who keeps each promise,
      praise the Son who calls us friends,
      praise the Spirit who, among us,
      to our hopes and fears attends.

    2. Jesus calls us to confess him
      Word of life and Lord of all,
      sharer of our flesh and frailness,
      saving all who fail or fall.
      Tell his holy, human story;
      tell his tales that all may hear;
      tell the world that Christ in glory
      came to earth to meet us here.

    3. Jesus calls us to each other,
      vastly different though we are;
      creed and colour, class and gender
      neither limit nor debar.
      Join the hand of friend and stranger,
      join the hands of age and youth,
      join the faithful and the doubter
      in their common search for truth.

    © John L Bell & Graham Maule

    1. Malachi 3:1-4
    2. Luke 2:22-40

  4. Children’s Message

  5. CH4 19 Ye Gates

    1. Ye gates lift up your heads on high;
      ye doors that last for aye,
      be lifted up, that so the King
      of glory enter may.
      But who of glory is the King?
      The mighty Lord is this;
      even that same Lord that great in might
      and strong in battle is;
      even that same Lord that great in might
      and strong in battle is.

    2. Ye gates, lift up your heads; ye doors,
      doors that do last for aye,
      be lifted up, that so the King
      of glory enter may.
      But who is he that is the King,
      the King of glory? who is this?
      The Lord of hosts, and none but he,
      the King of glory is;
      The Lord of hosts, and none but he,
      the King of glory is.

      Alleluia! alleluia!
      alleluia! alleluia! alleluia!
      Amen, amen, amen.

  6. Meditation

  7. CH4 332 When Mary Brought Her Treasure

    1. When Mary brought her treasure
      Unto the holy place,
      No eye of man could measure
      The joy upon her face.
      He was but six weeks old,
      Her plaything and her pleasure,
      Her silver and her gold.

    2. Then Simeon, on him gazing
      With wonder and with love,
      His aged voice up-raising
      Gave thanks to God above:
      'Now welcome sweet release!
      For I, my saviour praising,
      May die at last in peace.'

    3. And she, all sorrow scorning,
      Rejoiced in Jesus' fame.
      The child her arms adorning
      Shone softly like a flame
      That burns the long night through,
      And keeps from dusk till morning
      Its vigil clear and true.

    4. As by the sun in splendour
      The flags of night are furled,
      So darkness shall surrender
      To Christ who lights the world:
      To Christ the star of day,
      Who once was small and tender,
      A candle's gentle ray.

    © Jan Struther

  8. Offering

  9. Prayer of Intercession

  10. CH4 333 Now, Lord! According to Thy Word

    1. Now, Lord! according to thy word,
      let me in my peace depart;
      mine eyes have thy salvation seen,
      and gladness fills my heart.

    2. That Sun I now behold, whose light
      shall heathen darkness chase,
      and rays of brightest glory pour
      around thy chosen race.

    3. This great salvation, long prepared,
      and now disclosed to view,
      hath proved thy love was constant still,
      and promises were true.

  11. Blessing