1. Welcome and Intimations

  2. Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power, and the glory
    for ever and ever.

  3. CH4 285 The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came

    1. The Angel Gabriel from heaven came,
      his wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame;
      All hail,’ said he, ‘thou lowly maiden Mary,
      most highly favoured lady.’


    2. ‘For known a blessèd Mother thou shalt be,
      all generations laud and honour thee,
      thy son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold;
      most highly favoured lady.’


    3. Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head,
      ‘To me be as it pleaseth God,’ she said.
      ‘My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name’:
      most highly favoured lady.


    4. Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ was born
      in Bethlehem, all on a Christmas morn,
      and Christian folk throughout the world will ever say,
      ‘Most highly favoured lady.’


    Basque carol adapted Sabine Baring-Gould

  4. Lighting the Advent Candles

    Advent 3 — Joy

    Last Sunday we lit the candle of Hope, remembering the hope which comes in Christ, and we lit the candle of Peace, remembering God’s dream of a peaceful world. (Light Candles). Today we light the third candle of Advent, the candle of Joy.

    In Advent, we are in a time of waiting. Like the Israelites who wandered through the Wilderness, waiting to come into the Promised Land, we wait for the coming of the Joy of Ages. We wait for the day where we can join our voices with the angels to sing “Joy to the World, the Lord is come!” We wait for the day when everlasting joy will be on each of us.

    We light this candle in Joy. (Light Candle)

    On this day, we remember the Spirit who breathes joy into our lives.

    1. Isaiah 35:1-10
    2. Luke 1:46b-55

  5. Children’s Message

  6. CH4 279 Make Way!

    1. Make way, make way, for Christ the King
      In splendour arrives. 
      Fling wide the gates and welcome him
      Into your lives.

      Make way!, Make way!
      For the King of kings!
      Make way!, Make way!
      And let his kingdom in!

    2. He comes the broken hearts to heal,
      The prisoners to free.
      The deaf shall hear, the lame shall dance,
      The blind shall see.

      Make way!, Make way!
      For the King of kings!
      Make way!, Make way!
      And let his kingdom in!

    3. And those who mourn with heavy hearts,
      Who weep and sigh;
      With laughter, joy and royal crown
      He'll beautify.

      Make way!, Make way!
      For the King of kings!
      Make way!, Make way!
      And let his kingdom in!

    4. We call you now to worship him
      As Lord of all.
      To have no other gods but him:
      Their thrones must fall!

      Make way!, Make way!
      For the King of kings!
      Make way!, Make way!
      And let his kingdom in!

    © Graham Kendrick

  7. Meditation

  8. CH4 287 No Wind at the Window

    1. No wind at the window,
      no knock on the door;
      no light from the lampstand,
      no foot on the floor;
      no dream born of tiredness,
      no ghost raised by fear:
      just an angel and a woman
      and a voice in her ear.

    2. ‘O Mary, O Mary,
      don’t hide from my face.
      Be glad that you’re favoured
      and filled with God’s grace.
      The time for redeeming
      the world has begun;
      and you are requested
      to mother God’s Son.’

    3. ‘This child must be born
      that the kingdom might come:
      salvation for many,
      destruction for some;
      both end and beginning,
      both message and sign;
      both victor and victim,
      both yours and divine.’

    4. No payment was promised,
      no promises made;
      no wedding was dated,
      no blueprint displayed.
      Yet Mary, consenting
      to what none could guess,
      replied with conviction,
      ‘Tell God I say, “Yes”’.

    © John L. Bell

  9. Offering

  10. Prayer of Intercession

  11. CH4 274 Comfort, Comfort Now

    1. Comfort, comfort now my people;
      speak of peace - so says your God.
      Comfort those who sit in darkness,
      burdened by a heavy load.
      To Jerusalem proclaim:
      God shall take away your shame.
      Now get ready to recover;
      guilt and suffering are over.

    2. Hear the herald's proclamation
      in the desert far and near,
      calling all to true repentance,
      telling that the Lord is near.
      Oh, that warning cry obey!
      For your God prepare a way.
      Let the valleys rise to greet him
      and the hills bow down to meet him.

    3. Straighten out what has been crooked,
      make the roughest places plain.
      Let your hearts be true and humble,
      live as fits God's holy reign.
      Soon the glory of the Lord
      shall on earth be shed abroad.
      Human flesh shall surely see it,
      God is ready to decree it.

    © John L Bell

  12. Blessing