1. Welcome and Intimations

  2. Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power, and the glory
    for ever and ever.

  3. MP 337 In the bleak midwinter

    1. In the bleak mid-winter,
      frosty wind made moan,
      earth stood hard as iron,
      water like a stone;
      snow had fallen, snow on snow,
      snow on snow,
      in the bleak mid-winter,
      long ago.

    2. Our God, heaven cannot hold Him,
      nor earth sustain,
      heaven and earth shall flee away
      when He comes to reign;
      in the bleak mid-winter
      a stable-place sufficed
      the Lord God almighty,
      Jesus Christ.

    3. Angels and archangels
      may have gathered there,
      cherubim and seraphim
      thronged the air;
      but His mother only,
      in her maiden bliss,
      worshipped the Beloved
      with a kiss.

    4. What can I give Him,
      poor as I am?
      If I were a shepherd,
      I would bring a lamb;
      if I were a wise man,
      I would do my part;
      yet what I can I give Him –
      give my heart.

    © Christina Georgina Rossetti

    1. Jeremiah 29:11-13 & Matthew 7: 24-27

  4. Children’s talk

  5. MP 393 Joy to the world

    1. Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
      let earth receive her King;
      let every heart prepare Him room
      and heaven and nature sing,
      and heaven and nature sing,
      and heaven, and heaven and nature sing!

    2. Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns!
      your sweetest songs employ
      while fields and streams and hills and plains
      repeat the sounding joy,
      repeat the sounding joy,
      repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

    3. He rules the world with truth and grace,
      and makes the nations prove
      the glories of His righteousness,
      the wonders of His love,
      the wonders of His love,
      the wonders, wonders of His love.

    © Isaac Watts

  6. Reflection

  7. MP 62 Born in the night

    1. Born in the night, Mary’s child,
      a long way from Your home;
      coming in need,
      Mary’s child,
      born in a borrowed room.

    2. Clear shining light, Mary’s child,
      Your face lights up our way:
      light of the world,
      Mary’s child,
      dawn on our darkened day.

    3. Truth of our life, Mary’s child,
      You tell us God is good:
      prove it is true,
      Mary’s child,
      go to Your cross of wood.

    4. Hope of the world, Mary’s child,
      You’re coming soon to reign:
      King of the earth,
      Mary’s child,
      walk in our streets again.

    © Geoffrey Ainger

  8. Offering

  9. Prayer of Intercession

  10. MP 429 Lord for the years

    1. Lord, for the years
      Your love has kept and guided,
      urged and inspired us,
      cheered us on our way,
      sought us and saved us,
      pardoned and provided:
      Lord of the years,
      we bring our thanks today.

    2. Lord, for that word,
      the word of life which fires us,
      speaks to our hearts
      and sets our souls ablaze,
      teaches and trains,
      rebukes us and inspires us:
      Lord of the word,
      receive Your people’s praise.

    3. Lord, for our land
      in this our generation,
      spirits oppressed by pleasure,
      wealth and care:
      for young and old,
      for commonwealth and nation,
      Lord of our land,
      be pleased to hear our prayer.

    4. Lord, for our world where men
      disown and doubt You,
      loveless in strength,
      and comfortless in pain,
      hungry and helpless,
      lost indeed without You:
      Lord of the world,
      we pray that Christ may reign.

    5. Lord, for ourselves;
      in living power remake us –
      self on the cross
      and Christ upon the throne,
      past put behind us,
      for the future take us:
      Lord of our lives,
      to live for Christ alone.

    © Timothy Dudley-Smith

  11. Blessing