1. Welcome and Intimations

  2. Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power, and the glory
    for ever and ever.

  3. CH4 367 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

    1. Hosanna, loud hosanna,
      the little children sang;
      through city street and temple
      their joyful welcome rang.
      They shouted out their praises
      to Christ, the children's friend,
      who welcomes all with blessing,
      whose love will never end.

    2. From Olivet they followed,
      a large exultant crowd,
      the victor palm branch waving,
      and chanting clear and loud;
      bright angels joined the chorus,
      beyond the cloudless sky,
      'Hosanna in the highest!
      Glory to God on high!'

    3. "Hosanna in the highest!"
      That ancient song we sing,
      for Christ is our Redeemer,
      the Lord of heaven our King.
      Oh, may we ever praise him
      with heart and life and voice,
      and in his blissful presence
      eternally rejoice.

    © Jennette Threlfall

    1. Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
    2. Matthew 21:1-11

  4. Children’s Message

  5. CH4 608 Spirit of Truth and Grace

    1. Spirit of truth and grace,
      come to us in this place
      as now in Jesus’ name God’s people gather.
      Open our eyes to see
      truths that will ever be,
      and in communion draw us close together.

    2. Spirit of joy and peace,
      make all anxieties cease
      with knowledge of the Father’s perfect caring.
      Then may God’s children know
      love that won’t let us go
      and joy that fills each day, beyond comparing.

    3. Spirit of life and power,
      revive us in this hour
      and stir our hearts to praise with true devotion.
      Fill us with heavenly fire,
      and every heart inspire,
      that we may serve the world with your compassion.

    © Ian D Cunningham

  6. Meditation

  7. CH4 366 Come into the Streets

    1. Come into the streets with me!
      Come to where the crowds will be,
      see a strange and gentle king
      on a donkey travelling.

      Come and follow my leader,
      come and follow my leader,
      Jesus Christ is riding by,
      come and follow my leader!

    2. All the people shout his name,
      waving branches, sing his fame,
      throw their coats upon his road,
      glad to praise the Son of God.

      Come and follow my leader,
      come and follow my leader,
      Jesus Christ is riding by,
      come and follow my leader!

    3. If the soldiers draw their swords,
      will we dare to sing these words,
      be his friends for just a day,
      cheer him on, then run away?

      Come and follow my leader,
      come and follow my leader,
      Jesus Christ is riding by,
      come and follow my leader!

    4. Jesus goes where things are rough,
      Jesus knows when life is tough,
      always comes to us, his friends,
      so his story never ends.

      Come and follow my leader,
      come and follow my leader,
      Jesus Christ is riding by,
      come and follow my leader!

    © Shirley Erena Murray

  8. Offering

  9. Prayer of Intercession

  10. CH4 364 All Glory, Laud and Honour

    1. You are the King of Israel,
      great David’s royal Son,
      now in the Lord’s name coming,
      our King and Blessèd One.

      All glory, laud, and honour,
      to you, Redeemer, King,
      to whom the lips of children
      made sweet hosannas ring!

    2. The company of angels
      is praising you on high,
      while we and all creation
      together make reply.

      All glory, laud, and honour,
      to you, Redeemer, King,
      to whom the lips of children
      made sweet hosannas ring!

    3. The people of the Hebrews
      with palms before you went;
      our praise and prayer and anthems
      before you we present.

      All glory, laud, and honour,
      to you, Redeemer, King,
      to whom the lips of children
      made sweet hosannas ring!

    4. To you before your Passion
      they sang their hymns of praise;
      to you, now high exalted,
      our melody we raise.

      All glory, laud, and honour,
      to you, Redeemer, King,
      to whom the lips of children
      made sweet hosannas ring!

    5. Their praises you accepted;
      accept the prayers we bring,
      in every good delighting,
      our great and gracious King:

      All glory, laud, and honour,
      to you, Redeemer, King,
      to whom the lips of children
      made sweet hosannas ring!

    © John Mason Neale

  11. Blessing