1. MP 37 As the deer pants for the water

    1. As the deer pants for the water,
      so my soul longs after You.
      You alone are my heart’s desire
      and I long to worship You.

      You alone are my strength, my shield,
      to You alone may my spirit yield.
      You alone are my heart’s desire
      and I long to worship You.

    2. I want You more than gold or silver,
      only You can satisfy.
      You alone are the real joy-giver
      and the apple of my eye.

      You alone are my strength, my shield,
      to You alone may my spirit yield.
      You alone are my heart’s desire
      and I long to worship You.

    3. You’re my friend
      and You’re my brother,
      even though You are a king.
      I love You more than any other,
      so much more than anything.

      You alone are my strength, my shield,
      to You alone may my spirit yield.
      You alone are my heart’s desire
      and I long to worship You.

    © Martin Nystrom

  2. MP 857 I the Lord of sea and sky

    1. I, the Lord of sea and sky,
      I have heard My people cry;
      all who dwell in dark and sin
      My hand will save.
      I who made the stars of night,
      I will make their darkness bright.
      Who will bear My light to them?
      Whom shall I send?

      Here I am, Lord.
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night.
      I will go, Lord,
      if You lead me;
      I will hold Your people in my heart.

    2. I, the Lord of snow and rain,
      I have borne My people’s pain;
      I have wept for love of them –
      they turn away.
      I will break their hearts of stone,
      give them hearts for love alone;
      I will speak My word to them.
      Whom shall I send?

      Here I am, Lord.
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night.
      I will go, Lord,
      if You lead me;
      I will hold Your people in my heart.

    3. I, the Lord of wind and flame,
      I will tend the poor and lame,
      I will set a feast for them –
      My hand will save.
      Finest bread I will provide
      till their hearts are satisfied;
      I will give My life to them.
      Whom shall I send?

      Here I am, Lord.
      Is it I, Lord?
      I have heard You calling in the night.
      I will go, Lord,
      if You lead me;
      I will hold Your people in my heart.

    © Daniel Schutte

  3. MP 506 How great thou art

    1. O Lord my God!
      when I in awesome wonder
      consider all the works
      Thy hand hath made,
      I see the stars,
      I hear the mighty thunder,
      the power throughout
      the universe displayed;

      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!
      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!

    2. When through the woods
      and forest glades I wander
      and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
      when I look down
      from lofty mountain grandeur,
      and hear the brook,
      and feel the gentle breeze;

      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!
      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!

    3. And when I think
      that God His Son not sparing,
      sent Him to die -
      I scarce can take it in,
      that on the cross
      my burden gladly bearing,
      He bled and died to take away my sin:

      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!
      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!

    4. When Christ shall come
      with shout of acclamation
      and take me home -
      what joy shall fill my heart!
      Then shall I bow
      in humble adoration
      and there proclaim,
      my God, how great Thou art!

      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!
      Then sings my soul,
      my Saviour God, to Thee,
      how great Thou art,
      how great Thou art!

    © Stuart Wesley Keene Hine

  4. CH4 694 Brother, Sister, Let Me Serve You

    1. Brother, sister, let me serve you,
      let me be as Christ to you;
      pray that I may have the grace to
      let you be my servant too.

    2. We are pilgrims on a journey,
      and companions on the road;
      we are here to help each other
      walk the mile and bear the load.

    3. I will hold the Christ-light for you
      In the night-time of your fear;
      I will hold my hand out to you,
      speak the peace you long to hear.

    4. I will weep when you are weeping;
      when you laugh I’ll laugh with you;
      I will share your joy and sorrow
      till we’ve seen this journey through.

    5. When we sing to God in heaven
      we shall find such harmony,
      born of all we’ve known together
      of Christ’s love and agony.

    6. Brother, sister, let me serve you,
      let me be as Christ to you;
      pray that I may have the grace to
      let you be my servant too.

    © Richard A M Gillard

  5. MP 445 Lord, the light of Your love (Shine, Jesus, shine)

    1. Lord, the light of Your love is shining,
      in the midst of the darkness, shining:
      Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us;
      set us free by the truth You now bring us –
      shine on me, shine on me.

      Shine, Jesus, shine,
      fill this land with the Father’s glory;
      blaze, Spirit, blaze,
      set our hearts on fire.
      Flow, river, flow,
      flood the nations with grace and mercy;
      send forth Your word, Lord,
      and let there be light!

    2. Lord, I come to Your awesome presence,
      from the shadows into Your radiance;
      by Your blood I may enter Your brightness:
      search me, try me, consume all my darkness –
      shine on me, shine on me.

      Shine, Jesus, shine,
      fill this land with the Father’s glory;
      blaze, Spirit, blaze,
      set our hearts on fire.
      Flow, river, flow,
      flood the nations with grace and mercy;
      send forth Your word, Lord,
      and let there be light!

    3. As we gaze on Your kingly brightness
      so our faces display Your likeness,
      ever changing from glory to glory:
      mirrored here, may our lives tell Your story –
      shine on me, shine on me.

      Shine, Jesus, shine,
      fill this land with the Father’s glory;
      blaze, Spirit, blaze,
      set our hearts on fire.
      Flow, river, flow,
      flood the nations with grace and mercy;
      send forth Your word, Lord,
      and let there be light!

    © 1987 Make Way Music